Sunday, October 7, 2012

How to disconnect the car

Different devices to disconnect the battery for a long time and is successfully used by many car owners. Structurally, it is most often just a powerful switch that can withstand the current of hundreds of amperes. It is usually placed near the battery, forcing the owner of the car every time "dive" under the hood. At UAZ such switches are set at the factory, and you can manage them from the cabin. In some designs the circuit is removable "flag" - turns primitive "protivougonki."
Another group of master switch - electromagnetic, which are relays, designed for high current. They can be controlled from the cabin via a button on the instrument panel, which is much more convenient. The total lack of them, the presence of additional contacts for burning or oxidation which inevitably drop at start-up motor.
Do I need to disconnect switch at all? If the owner is not lazy each time to remove battery terminal before you leave home, then, of course, they would be useful. Will at least be no risk of fire at random closure of the wiring in the absence of the owner. Sometimes, the battery is quickly discharged through the circuit is live atignition is off.
For example, there are cases where this occurred through jammed gear motor faroochistitelya or light bulb, "glove", which are always lit as loose-fitting lid, or because of the mass, circular door limit switch, turn on the light in the cabin ...
On the other hand, in recent years the popularity of circuit weight has fallen markedly. This is due to the prevalence of electronic security systems, which can not operate when the power battery, and radio with digital tuning, immediately erased on power. Then the installation will have to pull the battery main switch a separate wire, and its meaning is lost in many settings, "self-discharge" through the radio or alarm is a constant one (albeit a small shock.)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Automotive filters: types and their purpose

Air filters clean the air entering the engine from harmful contaminants, ensuring optimal working conditions and reducing abrasion by friction engine components interacting

In the process, the internal combustion engine (ICE) consume large amounts of air. Established that (on average) for the combustion of 1 liter of fuel required as many as 10 000 cubic decimeters air, which, depending on the climate and season contains various types of pollution, such as dust, pollen, insects, etc. They can cause damage to the engine, thereby significantly reducing its service life. That is why the filters kotoryemogut hold up to 99.9% of impurities in the air and falling into the engine air intake system built into the car.

Air filters consist of a hood, located near the engine, and a replaceable filter tips (cartridge).

By design, the air filters are divided into light, used in passenger cars, pickup trucks and SUVs, and heavy, mounted on trucks. Light filters have a rectangle or circle. Round filters are used in the older cars, and have a relatively small amount of filter material compared to the body. In this sense, the rectangular filter is much better. Therefore, they are used in new models of cars. Another advantage of the panel filters - their ecological value. Most of these filters do not contain metal parts, which facilitates the processing of used filters.

Starting a cold winter injection engine.

Here's a bit of theory and one of the recommendations on this topic is very important to have a cold start is where the fuel is supplied during this very start. On older, carbureted models with low compression all happened quite simply, the air damper closes, the amount of air at the start to adjust the air valve, and the amount of fuel determined throttle when starting. Fuel from the carburetor at this point enters the inlet tube having a sufficient length. Fuel way as a film on the inner surface of the inlet tube so, too, was quite long and extended in time. Note first that metered amount of fuel in the form of a film on the walls of the intake manifold is much easier than in the vapor phase. The path from the nozzle to the combustion chamber to the engine vpryskovym several tens of times less than the carburettor version. Let me remind you that the injector sprays fuel directly on the plate that opens into the combustion chamber inlet valve. Enormous importance to the fact how much fuel enters the vapor phase at this point. It is completely determined by the volatility of fuel. Conditions for the ignition so strongly may vary due to differences in the fractional part, that are difficult to control and regulation. If the gasoline version is not too much because the fuel will crawl through an inlet pipe for a long time and eventually evaporates all the same, then all options vpryskovym much sadder: for not having had time to evaporate once - still burn can not. Our calibration is already done under the heavier fuel than envisaged European standard. We finishing work conducted on fuel with a vapor pressure of 400 kPa instead of European 800 ... 900 kPa. Their gasoline evaporate twice as good and mostly because of European cars in Europe much easier to start. The main thing - do not fill them in our heavy gasoline. (Which, incidentally, is also often dirty, and water). Now I know why the car is started with the central injection better distributed - it is longer and more in the area of ​​the site from the fuel injector to the cylinder. 2112 engine to run reliably at-30C to: Motor synthetic oil 0W40 - quite expensive. Battery at least 65Ach.

Corrosion control body

Probably, most motorists after purchasing a new or used car in second place after the theft deterrent problem is the question of corrosion body.
For a new car, on the back of which there is no corrosion and factory coating is new and clean, it measures the warning order. But they give the maximum effect.
For used car start from the fact that his body is more or less impressed corrosion and completely get rid of it is impossible. Therefore, in this case, you have the maximum suspend it and protect unaffected areas.

Watch for body, wash, polish it, and it will be protected. Bottom, even the most resistant treated to mechanical impact PVC plastisol, not a long time (2-3 years) to resist the effects of sand, gravel, salt and temperature extremes. Under the influence of these factors factory coating deteriorates.

 The wings are in the same position as the bottom. Moreover, there are wings and pockets where gather and accumulate dirt and moisture. Even the new car is worth before using to remove the wheels and meticulously inspect quality of the application of mastic asphalt on the inner surfaces of the wings, especially in the location of the headlights. And the factory can make mistakes, resulting in a wing becomes "victim" of corrosion.

 No less vulnerable internal cavity thresholds grounds central pillars, side members. They are processed at the plant, but the probability of faults is not excluded. In a particularly difficult position thresholds are, if clogged drainage holes used to drain the water penetrated into the rapids.

Does the engine to warm up before going?

Answer to this question is not easy. On the one hand, with cold engine operation (especially with high load) actually accelerated wear, and not only because of lack of lubrication, but also on the temporary mismatch gap between those that are required. Indeed, only after the engine warms up, it reaches the set designer temperature at which the dilated parts interact correctly.

On the other hand, because of the idling engine works with a small heat transfer and heat slowly, so that when it is fully charged, - means to extend its running time in the worst mode.

However, the slow engine warming in its details do not appear dangerous thermal stresses, and at very fast heating, they are not excluded. It is known that for any changes in temperature of engine parts, in many cases there is any damage. Warping of the cylinder head or piston seizure is often explained by this.

How to avoid excessive consumption of fuel in the car?

In the current world situation, with regular fuel is dorozhaniem all overhead use the car. We present a few basic and fairly simple rules and guidelines to help the novice driver to avoid high fuel consumption in your car.

Regularly check the technical condition of your car. Serviceable, but not adjusted properly around the vehicle to fuel a 10% increase.

Keep an eye on tire pressure. Reduction of pressure in car tires with a 2.0 to 1.5 kg/cm2 kg/cm2 inevitably increases fuel consumption by about 3%. The measurement of the pressure in the tires should be able to cool them, because even after a minor run tire pressure increases.

Regularly adjust the alignment of your car.

Try to avoid unnecessary transport of cargo. Note that each 50 kg of extra load increases fuel consumption in your car by about 2%.

Using the air conditioner increases fuel consumption in the vehicle for about 10%.

Lead to excessive fuel as open windows, especially when the vehicle speed above 50 km / h. The value of over-dependent on the geometric features of the body of a vehicle, as well as how these windows are open.

Note that each subsequent inhibition involves acceleration. This, in turn, causes an increase in fuel consumption in the vehicle. Therefore, try to avoid sudden braking. Try to reduce the rate of advance of your car at the traffic lights (if you see the red light in front), intersections, etc.

On night road

Check out on the road - always some risk. He rises at dusk and at night all the more. To the usual dangers added physiological properties of the body. By night a little more active inhibitory processes, fatigue sets in after a day of stress, decreases alertness and reaction time.
Consequently, on the night road from the driver requires maximum attention and special care. It is clear that travel must be properly otdohnuvshim.Nikakogo-will, the dream - forget it!

Virtually the only advantage of an overnight trip - few cars, the road is not loaded and little noise movement. But this should not relax. And statistics show that accidents at night almost half. Maybe an empty track pushes driver to drive faster? Clearly makes clear - in racing we do not participate!
Overnight trip requires special and careful preparation. It is absolutely necessary to test the headlights, turn signals, clean all the windows. Unwashed windshield complicate the already difficult night vision. Yes, and more diffuse light oncoming cars.

Pass inspection

Security can only be efficient car. This is an indisputable truth. That is why the technical condition of the car should be not only the owner, but also the state on behalf of the traffic police, obliging motorist regular inspection of the vehicle.
How often? According to the rules, introduced in 2007, the newly acquired vehicle must pass technical inspection in the first year from the date of manufacture. The machine age of seven inspected every two years and older - once a year. But if the vehicle is designed to carry more than eight passengers (excluding the driver), then it has to be inspected every six months
Should not be delayed visit to the traffic police to the last day (you never know what can prevent it, and then you do not meet the deadline.)

How to prepare for the visit?

Naturally, it is necessary to wash the car, including the wheels and, of course, the license plate number. Adjust lights, test the wipers, seat belts, sound. Door locks should clearly open and close. Backlash steering must conform to the standards stated by the manufacturer. Of course, the car should be a warning triangle, fire extinguisher, first aid kit (and everything in it to the list, and the drug should not be expired). It is very desirable to come to the tires, the respective season. Setting yourself up to the possibility of a long line, and in general to the seriousness of the event.

What documents need to be, going to the inspection?

This is your passport, driving license, medical certificate, vehicle registration document (or a power of attorney from the owner), a receipt for payment of taxes and payment inspection
First, however, you meet with the inspector, and the car afterwards. So do not forget about your own appearance. It is understood that the documents proving your identity, and driver's license to be valid, ie, not past due.
If your machine has a spetssignalami and advertising signs, you should have an even traffic police permission and agreement with the advertiser.

By the way, we should remember that in addition to the machine on checkup "inspection" and the owner. Therefore, we must take care not only about their appearance, but also have the original documents proving your identity and ownership of the car.

Basic data of the motors

On most vehicles mounted internal combustion engine (ICE). Device it is difficult even for a specialist, especially for the average driver-layperson. However, when buying a car always always refers to the characteristics of the engine. The layman is usually lost before choosing a car at all, or a specific version of it in particular. Try to understand the main technical characteristics of the internal combustion engine.

How many cylinders?

In modern cars from 2 to 16. This rather impressive result. Thus, the two engines of the same size and capacity can differ in other ways.

Position of cylinders

Two types: in-line (sequential) and V-shaped (double row), when one crank shaft cylinders are arranged on both sides. In this case, an important role is played by the camber angle cylinders. Large camber angle lowers the center of gravity, and facilitates cooling oil flow, but it reduces the dynamic characteristics of the increased inertia. Small angle reduces the weight and inertia, but leads to a more rapid overheating.

Radical species - Boxer engine with an angle of a breakdown in 180 °. In this case, all the advantages and disadvantages of the highest. Another variety - W-shaped (four, two synchronized and connected to the overall drive system V-shaped engine).

A very rare type of engine - row-V-shaped, a synthesis of these two species. The cylinders are arranged in series, but with a tolerance on both sides, which contributes to cooling.

Generally speaking, between the two main types of engine weight and dimensions vary. NOdnako important that the lowest level of noise and vibration is achieved when in a row an even number of cylinders.

Baby in car

Has long been a common practice in the morning to bring up a child in day care or school, and then just pick it up. On a family trip to the weekend and say nothing. If the children in your car - your responsibility driving increases many times.

The child in the car should be comfortable and safe. The hands of even the most loving parents do not provide. As you know, our country is a signatory of the European Road under the Convention which require transport children up to 12 years only in the child seat and the rear seat. This is a fairly stringent requirement did not appear for a reason: at a low speed collision of the child in the hands to hold. About similar accidents scary to hear. Sometimes you can see a video of crash tests with dummies, and if for a moment, imagine ...

Child car safety seat is selected primarily on the basis of weight of the child. The price of the age of the child seat, the appearance of which it is made - it is then. Manufacturers offer three types of car seats: for babies weighing more than 9 kg and 15 kg.

Typically, in each group there are universal models use wider range of 5-10 kg body weight of the child. Having bought a seat, win the price and terms of service, but still safer car seat with a narrow range of acceptable weight.

How to choose a drive?

I think the people who are a little familiar with the automotive industry, they know what the drive by car. But it is better to repeat: the energy output must transfer to the wheels. Which wheel is transmitted energy, and this will drive.
There are three drive are: front, rear and complete.
About each of them:

1. Front-wheel drive.

Judging by the title, once it is clear that the energy transferred to the front wheels. This drive is most often used on inexpensive Japanese cars. Because of the lack of universal joint, the car has less weight. A car with front wheel drive is prone to drift, because the front end is heavier than the rear.
Pros: Good permeability. Front-wheel drive is best suited for inexperienced drivers, because of its simplicity
Cons: The car has a poor dynamic response, and is prone to drift.

2. Rear-wheel drive.

Energy is transferred to the rear wheels. Such drive is most common on American cars and VAZ classics. Also, this drive is set for European and Japanese cars of high quality.
Pros: Great drive for the sports car class.
Cons: not their best option for novice drivers, as the car are prone to drift.

3. Full drive.

Energy is transferred to all four wheels. Used on SUVs, sports cars, sedans middle and upper class. Four-wheel drive can be different. It may be that 70% of the energy comes the front wheels and 30% to the rear. For example, the Misubishi Outlander, all the energy is transferred to the front wheels, but if the car tends to drift, the energy is transferred to the rear wheels.

Pros: Good cross, great for inexperienced drivers.
Cons: The most expensive and hard drive type.